David Slattery

In private practice since 1988

Online therapy, supervision and training

©2010 Relational Psychotherapy

E: david@relational-psychotherapy.co.uk

Qualifying Paper 'Silence portal to imagination'

Therapy Today Article on Couples Therapy

Talking about Sex - The devil's in the detail

Global Heating

©2010 Relational Psychotherapy

About David Slattery

I have been working as a therapist  with individuals and couples since the late 1980's and supervising/training counsellors and psychotherapists for much of this time. I taught at the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (1996-2016) and was involved in all aspects of training.

Over the years I have changed my method from one where I was taking a lot of responsibility for outcomes, to one where I see the work as coming out of a collaborative relationship. I find the success of this movement both surprising and delightful!

In 2006 I was awarded a ‘post qualifying’ MA from Middlesex University my thesis was ‘Turning Relationship Ghosts into Ancestors: The use of intersubjective systems theory in navigating relational trauma states in couples therapy.’

This research paper helped me see that individual counselling and psychotherapy could learn a lot from the stuckness that couples often experience. By seeing parallels with the ‘therapeutic couple’ (counsellor and client), an impasse can more easily be seen as a relational creation.

My adult 'therapy education' began whilst working for the Schizophrenia Fellowship in the 1980's, I saw how damaging diagnosing and labelling can be. A great inspiration to me was reading Joe Berke's 'I haven't had to go mad in here', where he describes the work of the Arbours Crisis Centre where they believe that 'psychosis is a sane response to an insane situation'.....unfortunately this is still, over 40 years later, a radical statement!

My therapy training proper began with Reichian Therapy, working directly with the body and breathing towards cathartic release. I then studied Bio-dynamic Psychology before continuing my training and qualifying, as a Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist, at the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling. Along the way I was influenced by Paul Rebillot and the School of Gestalt and Experiential Studies, by Rich Hycner and Dialogical Gestalt and by Bob Stolorow and Donna Orange through Intersubjective Systems Theory. Also by poetry, literature mythology and Jungian psychology.

I am interested in dreams and experiences that are brought to therapy, but most of all what happens between us. In relationship as the alchemical vessel.